Permission Slips

Permission Slips are due by the date listed on the slips.

Parents: don't forget Troop 49 does offer a Campership for those who may need it. Please see Mr. Konopko or Mr. Gordon privately. It is determined on a case by case basis.

Folks, Mr. Callaghan and Mr. White, while loving to spend their time with your boys need some extra help on camping trips. If you are available, please consider going on a camp-out with YOUR scout as well as the rest of the troop. We need more Adults to participate on camp-outs. You don't have to be a committee member and wear a leadership shirt, you need YPT and Medical part A and B (not a full physical for under 72 hour camp-out). Please consider helping out!

the * next to the forms means they need to be individually printed and filled out in order to participate for the Cascade Mountain Ski Trip